Post-COVID project Henri Spronk funded by ZonMw

The project 'Complex thrombo-inflammation in Long-COVID: mechanism, biomarkers and therapeutic strategies', coordinated by Prof. Henri Spronk (Dept of Biochemistry) and Dr Michiel Warlé (Vascular Surgery, Radboud UMC), has been granted by ZonMw. This grant for two years funds a multidisciplinary team including three post-doctoral research positions.
Post-COVID (or Long COVID), with its persistent symptoms post-COVID-19, poses significant challenges, requiring a multidisciplinary approach for management. Investigating its pathophysiology, particularly thrombo-inflammation involving platelets, monocytes, and coagulation, is crucial. Sex differences and hormonal influences impact thrombo-inflammation, possibly contributing to higher symptom persistence in women. Our grant proposes a Case-Control study to unravel these mechanisms, aiming to identify biomarkers and improve (antithrombotic) treatment strategies. This research is crucial for mitigating the impact of Post-COVID and bolstering public health resilience in the post-pandemic era.

Funded by the Dutch Organisation for knowledge and innovation in health, healthcare and well-being (ZonMw): 11080022410025 (
